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JMC Employees Acknowledged for Contributions to CSTE Data Modernization Initiative Summit Report

JMC Staff

Nov 20, 2023

In Gratitude: A Collective Effort in Public Health Progress

In a humble acknowledgment of shared commitment and expertise, JMC employees Tim Powell, Grace Mallard, and Brooke Gault are recognized for their integral roles in the success of the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Data Modernization Initiative (DMI) Summit. Their contributions, alongside those of over 45 federal, state, tribal, and local public health professionals, have been instrumental in shaping the summit's outcomes.

The recently unveiled report stands as a modest reflection of the tireless efforts of individuals like Powell, Mallard, and Gault. Their insights, drawn from years of experience, have added depth and nuance to the recommendations presented in the report, ensuring a faithful representation of the pressing needs within the applied public health community.

Tim Powell, a figure in this initiative, expressed, "JMC was honored to have been able to support the development of this report documenting STLT needs related to data modernization." Powell's words emphasize JMC's role in addressing the critical challenges faced by the public health sector.

The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists extends gratitude for the diverse perspectives brought to the table during the Summit. The mix of familiar and new voices not only enriched the discussions but also broadened the scope of the recommendations, making them more inclusive and relevant to the challenges faced by the public health sector.

The report, available for review, is a compilation of insights from experts in the field. It covers various aspects of the Data Modernization Initiative, detailing strategies, insights, and recommendations aimed at advancing public health practices.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a significant role in supporting this initiative, the report's contents bear the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Tim Powell, Grace Mallard, Brooke Gault, and their fellow contributors exemplify the power of collaboration in addressing public health challenges. Their dedication to the success of the CSTE Data Modernization Initiative Summit has not only earned them recognition but has also modestly paved the way for advancements in the field of epidemiology and data modernization.

Readers interested in exploring the full report and gaining a deeper understanding of the insights presented by Powell, Mallard, Gault, and their peers can access it below.

Download PDF • 9.31MB

To learn more about The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiogolists (CSTE) and the important work they are doing, click here:

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