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Natalie Raketich

Practice Area(s)

Sr. Data Exchange Consultant

Epidemiology Team

Natalie Raketich is a Public Health Informatician and trained Epidemiologist who has been working in Public Health Informatics for several years. Natalie currently supports electronic messaging as a terminologist on the APHL NNDSS Modernization Initiative (NMI) technical assistance team and as a surveillance/epidemiology subject matter expert on the CSTE Reportable Condition Knowledge Management System (RCKMS) content team. In these roles, Natalie works on disease surveillance activities from the initial report to the public health agency through the notification of the case to CDC.
Prior to joining JMC, Natalie worked at both state and local government agencies on reportable disease surveillance, outbreak response, and case management. She has experience with NEDSS systems, CDC MMG implementation for notification messaging, electronic laboratory reporting (ELR), syndromic surveillance, system development, and end-user support.
Natalie received her Master of Public Health, concentrating in Epidemiology, from Indiana University. She graduated from the first class of CDC’s Informatics Training in Place Program (I-TIPP) fellowship and is an HL7 Version 2.7 Control Specialist. Natalie brings her experience with public health standards, vocabularies, and surveillance to her role at JMC.

Terminology Team

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